Data Governance for Compliance Reports Alerts & Notifications Assets & Workers

Modern Compliance Ahead

DataGovs® is a mobile-first app that manages compliance 
to help workers meet regulatory obligations, anywhere.

Organizations save time and money with DataGovs® Customers 

Modernize the way you maintain compliance

Manage your work and get real-time incident reports

For Professionals

Compliance App

Save money by managing compliance, anywhere.

 Wonderful idea, wonderful app. A true public service.

  • Carlos, End-User

For Developers

Compliance API

Save time with the unified API for any compliance integration.

DataGovs makes my life as a CEO easier.

  • Emil, CEO of Boaz Bikes 

Smart data capture and compliance for teams
to meet regulatory needs for operations.


Real-Time Compliance

Streamline compliance processes by digitizing, organizing, and securing all records with cloud-based backups and expiration date alerts for simplified audits and monitoring.

24/7 Alerts & Notifications

Detect compliance issues remotely by receiving real-time digital reports directly from the field, and maintain organized, accessible records for any need.

Regulatory changes

Notify your employees of changes, share attachments and in-app links to the updated files, and receive read confirmations to ensure everyone is on the same page.